Whomever you are, living an emotionally and physically healthy lifestyle, building friendships, finding companionship, are at times difficult and disheartening for many people. Dr. Oltean offers therapeutic support for people at all levels of understanding and acceptance of their own sexual orientation, as well as for their loved ones.  Coming-out and living an ‘open’ lifestyle, are often a tumultuous (though exciting and empowering) time for people, even under the most amicable circumstances.  Although society has moved toward a much more tolerant (and even accepting) stance on homosexuality and gender-identity, being part of a minority inherently comes with a degree of stigma, insecurity, and shame for many people. As in the case of most cultural-minorities in the US today, these social injustices are a reality.  Dr. Oltean can help you (and loved ones) navigate these experiences and minimize their negative impact.  Dr. Oltean can help you build a healthy approach to living and accepting your life.